Author Archives: Peppers Heating and Air

How Your HVAC Warranty Can Be Voided

HVAC Warranty

When you buy a new heating or cooling system, you get a warranty, either from the contractor or the manufacturer. This warranty offers coverage for a variety of things, such as certain repairs, faulty equipment, and major parts replacement. However, while these warranties provide coverage, it’s possible that they can be voided. The cause of […]

Can UV Light Improve Air Quality?

UV Light

Homeowners are always looking for ways to improve the air quality in their homes. It is important, especially in recent years, to have a way to remove the possibility of dust and mold. One of the newest methods used by homeowners is installing ultraviolet lights in their HVAC system. These lights are designed to kill […]

What To Look For When Buying A Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat

Technology is constantly changing and devices are adapting in new and exciting ways. Homeowners are able to get smart technology incorporated into devices they never thought possible. Whether it’s a refrigerator with a touch screen or lights you control with your phone, adding these devices to your home can have a wide range of benefits. […]

What HVAC Maintenance Means For Businesses

Commercial HVAC Repair

For homeowners, having their heating and cooling systems checked is a necessary step in ensuring year-round comfort. This is also true of commercial businesses and how to schedule their system’s maintenance plans. Residential HVAC systems typically need to be looked at once a year. However, businesses need to schedule service on a twice-a-year basis for […]

Furnace Repair vs. Replacement

Furnace Repair

As the calendar turns to winter, homeowners start the process of going through their homes and preparing for the colder months ahead. A key element to this is reviewing their home furnace and determine if it needs to be repaired or outright replaced. Furnaces on average last 15-30 years. However, you need regular maintenance to […]

When To Determine If You Need A New Heat Pump

As the weather gets colder, having a functional HVAC system is important to ensure comfort throughout the season. One of the most important parts of a working heating unit is the heat pump. This part can transfer heat from the outside and deliver it inside. When this part is running normally, it provides optimum heat […]

Fall HVAC Checklist: Things You Need to Know to Keep Your Unit Working Efficiently

Checklist For Fall HVAC

As November approaches, everyone can feel that fall is in the air. Cold winds, changing hues, and falling leaves remind you that your air conditioner needs some rest. However, not turning your air conditioner on doesn’t mean you should forget about it. Think about preparing your HVAC system for fall maintenance.  Use this handy fall […]