How Often Should You Schedule HVAC Maintenance


Professional maintenance is vital in keeping your HVAC system in top form, ensuring reliable comfort and efficient, long-lasting performance. To make the most of these tune-ups, it’s important to choose a service schedule that covers all your maintenance needs.

The Biannual Maintenance Plan

At a minimum, most HVAC systems require annual maintenance visits to avoid negating the manufacturer’s warranty. However, a single yearly tune-up may not be enough for Covington, GA, homeowners who regularly use both heating and cooling. Most experts actually recommend at least two service visits per year. Ideally, this would include scheduling AC maintenance in the spring and a heating tune-up in the fall.

The Seasonal Service Schedule

Here in Georgia, it’s not unusual for HVAC systems to stay running practically year-round. Even with biannual service visits, parts can malfunction or wear out faster than expected. For truly comprehensive, worry-free protection, consider investing in a service plan that provides three to four tune-ups a year. More frequent visits ensure nothing slips through the cracks, helping your system maintain peak performance throughout the changing seasons. Not only can this prevent costly heating and AC repairs, but it can also provide significant savings on your energy bills.

Basic Home Maintenance Tasks

While most upkeep is best left to the professionals, there are also monthly tasks you can perform in between tune-ups. Most importantly, remove your HVAC filter and clean or replace it if it looks soiled. You should also inspect your AC coils and air vents regularly and clean up any visible dust or dirt. Finally, check your exterior HVAC unit and be sure to clear away any vegetation or other obstructions that could block airflow.

For world-class preventive care in Covington, GA, you can always count on Peppers Heating and Air. Join our Comfort Club today for special discounts, membership perks and expert HVAC maintenance on a schedule that works for you!

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